Organic Hemp Seed Oil – 250ml

The oil squeezed from the seeds of common industrial hemp is considered a very nutritious oil as it contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are similar to the fatty acids that the human body desperately needs. The EFA cannot be produced by the body alone, but is obtained only through diet. The oil contains about 80% of essential fatty acids, of which 55% linoleic acid or omega 6, 22% alpha-linolenic acid or omega 3 and 1-4% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). In addition, this oil has a low content of saturated fatty acids. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids can also be found in other foods, but hemp oil has an important advantage – the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids is 3: 1 (omega 6: omega 3), while other vegetable oils for humans have a ratio 4: 1), an unfavorable ratio, namely 30: 1. So it comes closest to the human ratio. A 3: 1 ratio is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Due to its properties, hemp oil is unique among edible oils. We eat it cold or do not cook with it in principle. The maximum temperature to which it is allowed to be heated is 150 ° C, although even at this temperature most of its useful substances are eliminated. Even at lower temperatures, to which hemp oil can otherwise be heated, the beneficial substances are quite unstable. However, heating to a higher temperature is definitely not recommended and can lead to the formation of trans-fatty acids. The most suitable use of hemp oil is at a temperature close to the one recommended for its storage, ie at a temperature of around 10-15 ° C. At this temperature, all the beneficial properties of hemp oil are preserved, and the taste and aroma remain present even when heated. Hemp oil has a pronounced but pleasant nutty taste and can be used in the kitchen for various cold dishes, ie salads, soups, cold sauces, spreads, as well as for hot dishes that do not require high temperatures. We can only refine already finished dishes with oil or use it as an ingredient.

The oil is characterized by a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids (Alpha-linolenic acid). Alpha-linolenic acid helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 2 g of alpha-linolenic acid. Oil is a natural source of vitamin E. Vitamin E has a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress (source: EFSA). The oil is characterized by a high content of unsaturated fats. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in the diet helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels (source: EFSA).


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